Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Dirt Simple PSK

So I'm looking at PSK31 as a mode that I might want to start playing around with.

I found a link to this post about a Dirt Simple PSK31 sound card interface cable. However, the link was dead. I'm reposting the article I found on the wayback machine so that it can still be found online easier by other Ham Operators.

Also found a pretty cool website for the various sounds the different modes make.

Setting up an FT-897D for PSK31

Dirt Simple, Dirt Cheap

Digital Mode Interface

For the FT-817

Can it really be THIS simple?!?  Yes, I built a Digital

Interface for the FT-817 for almost no cost and

almost no effort!  As you can see from the photo,

the entire interface is built on the Xmit/Rcv switch.

I am using this with DigiPan II, but it should work

with virtually any soundcard software for PSK,

and for other digital modes also!

The Windows volume and recording levels are

used to set transmit and waterfall (receive) drive

levels, but a trimmer is also included to adjust the

transmit drive.  A standard Windows Mouse plug

fits the FT-817 data port, I used a cable cut from

an old mouse!   This interface does require you to

manually switch between transmit and receive,

but does not require ANY connection to the PC’s

USB or Serial Port!

Direct any questions to John,

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